Title: Unidentified MX limitation related to DST - SRC traffic reclassification Date: 2014-04-06 0:20 Category: CoS Tags: Juniper, junos, CoS Slug: juniper-mx-SRC-DST-reclassification-CoS Author: someone Summary: Unidentified MX limitation related to DST - SRC traffic reclassification
Earlier I''ve tested destination based traffic reclassification, [juniper-mx-overriding-the-input-classification-CoS]({filename}/articles/juniper-mx-overriding-the-input-classification-CoS.md)
However if I add only one line to the policy
set policy-options policy-statement MARK-POLICY-1 term term-1 from as-path BGP-PATH-FROM-MARK-COS
(and corresponding BGP-PATH-FROM-MARK-COS definition, obviously), Juniper MX will stop rewriting CoS. Juniper support were unable to provide a solution, thus as for now I don''t know any working method to reclassify traffic basing on source AND destination AS path.