Title: Redirect incoming tcp traffic to another port with nftables Date: 2020-03-15 13:15 Category: Linux Tags: nftables Slug: nftables-port-redirect Author: someone Summary: Redirect incoming tcp traffic to another port with nftables

Assume service is listening on an unprivileged port. Our goal is to redirect traffic destined to the privileged port 443 to the unprivileged port 22067. Rules match on any interface except 'lo'. Corresponding lines for /etc/nftables.conf

   table ip nat {
       chain prerouting {
           type nat hook prerouting priority 0;
           iifname != {lo} tcp dport 443 redirect to 22067
   table ip6 nat {
       chain prerouting {
           type nat hook prerouting priority 0;
           iifname != {lo} tcp dport 443 redirect to 22067

Then systemctl enable nftables and systemctl start nftables. Verification from another host:

   telnet XX.YY.ZZ.NN 443
   Trying XX.YY.ZZ.NN...
   Connected to XX.YY.ZZ.NN.
   Escape character is '^]'.